10 Tips for Better Cyber Security

We live in a digital world where our business data and (crucially) our personal data is under constant attack. Hackers are always looking for new ways to break into your systems, databases, and sourcing personal information – and this has resulted in many significant data breaches in recent years.

When your security is breached, and your data is compromised, it’s a breach of trust. If you’re a business owner, this could be between you, your customers and your suppliers – one that can be hugely damaging for your brand reputation and consumer’s perception of the company.

So what can you do to enhance your cybersecurity and protect your valuable data? 

1. Keep your Software Up to Date

One of the most important cyber security tips is patching outdated software, both operating systems, devices, and applications. This helps remove critical vulnerabilities that hackers use to access your devices.

2. Use Anti-Virus Protection Software and Firewall

Anti-virus (AV) protection software and firewall software is important in defending your data against malicious attacks. A Firewall, alone, helps screen out hackers, viruses and other suspicious activity occurring over the Internet, and decides what traffic is allowed to enter your device.

3. Use Strong Passwords 

Passwords are incredibly important for keeping hackers out from gaining your data. A strong password should have at least one lowercase letter, one uppercase letter, one number, and four symbols, but not the following &%#@_.

4. Use Two-Factor Authentication

This method allows an additional layer of security to your information. 

5. Learn more about the nature of suspicious of emails and phone calls

The number of scams has significantly increased following the pandemic. Remember to not open an email if you don’t know the sender. Be suspicious of links and emails with grammatical errors in them. Malicious links can also come from friends who have been infected.

6. Protect your sensitive Personal Identifiable information

Personal information like your name, date of birth, phone number, address, and Social Security Number can be used to learn further information about you. Review your private settings on all social media accounts. 

7. Secure your mobile devices

Create a difficult mobile password, not your date of birth or Bank Pin. Make sure everything is updated, install apps from trusted sources only and regularly backup to iCloud or Enabling Backup & Sync. 

8. Back up your data regularly

Keep three copies of your data in three different places, or at least on two different devices to avoid losing information if there is a crash. 

9. Read the Terms and Conditions when signing up to accounts, websites, programs etc.

Most people often skip reading the Terms and Conditions of sites and sign up accounts. You may be allowing some websites, businesses and organisations to have access to your data as well as information on the device you use, without knowing it.

10. Review your Online Accounts regularly

It is important to check your Online Accounts regularly for suspicious activity. Be prepared to freeze any account if a security breach occurs. 

If you want to reduce your security worries, it’s sensible to speak to a cyber security expert. They will be able to review your current systems, networks and security practices and advise you on the key actions that are needed to tighten up your security.

We are here to help

If you need further advice or you’re looking for other opportunities that may peak your interest, please do not hesitate to contact our office on (03) 5445 4777 and one of our Accountants will be available to support you.


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